Queen Esther - Message and Preaching the Word of God

The Queen Esther

It is true that the book of Esther does not mention God's name, but by no means fail to see the mighty hand of the Lord driving events.

When Esther learned that his people would be destroyed if she was not talking to the king, and asked his cousin, Mordecai, who was also his adoptive father (2:7 Et, BV), to gather together all the Jews of Shushan and fast for it for three days while she and her maids would do the same. Although the text does not speak of prayer, it is certain that they prayed and cried to God so that they would have wisdom to act and that God will deliver them from that terrible persecution.

Why does not Esther opened the game for the king at the outset, and, instead, invited him to a banquet? After all, the king had already extended his scepter in token of acceptance. Even already had asked him what his petition because I knew nobody would risk his life going into his presence without his permission if not something very serious or serious. And she invited him for another feast, with nothing to reveal. It's amazing how Queen Esther acted with deliberation, calm and absence of impulsivity.

That night, between one and another banquet, the king could not sleep. Restless, he asked them to bring him the chronicles of the kingdom and that someone read them to him. Just read about the conspiracy raised by two eunuchs, and Teres Bigtã for the kill. The plot was discovered by Mordecai and brought to the attention of the monarch. Both were killed.

Then the king asked, "What honors were given to Mordecai?" Meanwhile, someone entered the courtyard and the king asked, "Who's there?" [...] "Haman," they replied. "Send him in," he ordered. Then Xerxes asked him: "What will be done to the man whom the king delights to honor?" Haman, in his selfishness, gave the best suggestions thinking he would be the person honored. haman what could ever imagine is that his great rival, the Jewish faithful to God, Mordecai, who would receive it himself, Haman, and many many honors.

Imagine how Haman must have felt when he had to drive through the streets of Shushan, on horseback, Mordecai, the person he most hated and who had already prepared a gallows. Now, was forced to announce to the people aloud: "So you do to the man whom the king wishes to honor." That's how powerful our God deals with those who love him. To their loved our Lord, free from the traps of the enemy and the reward even while they sleep.

Thanks to the wisdom of Queen Esther, King Ahasuerus was taken to honor the faithful Mordecai and the Jewish people were freed from the terrible persecution imposed by Haman had justly deserved fate in own trap he had made to the righteous of God, Mordecai. Those who hope in the Lord will never be disappointed!

"Wait on the Lord, courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord" - Psalm 27:14
