The right attitude changes everything - Posts Gospel of God's word

16 He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything.
17 "Falling in itself, he said, 'How many hired servants of my father have food to spare, and here I am starving to death!
18 I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you.
19 I am no longer worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. ' - Luke 15:16-19

In a similar way, how many and how often we do not feel diminished, oppressed, devalued and humiliated in front of a difficult situation in our work, our community, at home, on the street, in school, in college, in church or in anywhere else.

The focus of our message today will revolve around the most complicated moment the prodigal son lived. That young man had been through many places and situations, but now he was living an extremely negative. The business aside it was not easy.

Just like that boy was living a rather difficult time, where he was very sad, distressed and humiliated, many people now find themselves in the same way. Many people, excuse me for speaking thus, are in the mud. Not for doing what they did the boy in the parable, but also go through very complicated, because they feel pain, suffering, and all sorts of humiliation.

Right! So what? What has to do something with it?

This extraordinary parable leaves us many, many lessons. One lesson shows us exactly how we should act in the face of many difficult situations that we are subject to pass this life.

And what should we do in these situations?

We must do what the guy did in the parable:

17 "Falling in itself - Luke 15:17

That's what he did. He came to himself.

What does this come around?

Fall itself is to recognize that we are not, and we can do nothing. Falling in itself is be aware that we are small and weak. Fall itself is realizing that we are but dust, mud and pot. When we took our insignificance before such situations we behave like an empty vessel. When we took our empty of wisdom, intelligence and power we are at your disposal so that we may be filled with the unique and powerful content that can really make a difference for us: This content is the wonderful presence of our God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God in our lives.

That in itself is falling. Fall itself is abandoning oneself in the loving arms of our Father and powerful Falling itself is calling for help to Him who is our only true protector and savior. Falling in itself may seem confusing, but in fact it is a going out of oneself. It is when we give ourselves completely into the arms of our God that He, the Mighty Lord of the whole universe can eliminate from our lives everything in us that causes sorrow, anguish, frustration, pain, suffering and humiliation.

Falling in itself, is not going deep into our own essence, and yes, we dive into the infinite power of the recognition of the Almighty God and our Lord.

Out of ourselves and give ourselves completely into the arms of the Holy Trinity. That's what made all the difference in the life of young and this is exactly what will always make a difference in our lives.

Thus, whenever we are feeling weak, disoriented, in pain, suffering or being humiliated not to resist with our meager wisdom and strength. Immediately we abandon ourselves into the arms of our God, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of God, for only thus, in the presence of the Mighty Power of our great Father is that we will get the comfort, relief and deliverance for all situations Adverse life.

Amen and Thank God. Stay in the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
