He who promised is faithful to fulfill - Gospel message of God's word

25 High dawn Jesus went to them, walking on the sea.
26 When they saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified and said: "It is a ghost!" And they cried out for fear.
27 But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage, it is I. Be not afraid!"
28 "Lord," said Peter, "if it be thou, bid me come to you on the water."
29 "Come," he replied. So Peter got out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus.
30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!"
31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught. He said: "O thou of little faith, why did you doubt?" - Matthew 14: 25-31

The apostle Peter asked Jesus to send him walk on water.
Before the request of Peter the Lord Jesus said:

"Come," - Matthew 14:29

Today, that might mean for us this gesture that the Apostle Peter did when he was filled with courage and faith and also ended up walking on water?

It means victory over impossible, to overcome the limits, the result of the trust to follow, with great faith, the word of the Mighty Lord Jesus Christ.
The Apostle Peter, despite being very brave and courageous he was an ordinary human being, like you and me. We all know that is not normal man walk on water. So as the Apostle Peter could walk on the sea?
He walked by faith. By faith in whom?

Through faith in Jesus Christ. By faith in the word of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus said:

- 29 "Come," - Matthew 14:29

And without much thought he was.

The Apostle Peter threw in the word of the Lord Jesus Christ and the result was the miracle. The result was to win him over that impossible.

But unfortunately, not everything was successful. As the apostle Peter believed the word of the Lord Jesus Christ water, nor that it represented the impossible, no barrier were not for him, but as he was allowing the adversities were overlapping the word of God he ended up weakening , the impossible became stronger and he ended up drowning in doubt and unbelief.

Everything that happened to the Apostle Peter, today, can also happen to us. We can also walk on water. Today we can also achieve the miracle and beat the impossible in our lives. However, unless we have a very strong faith, certainly, the example of the Apostle Peter, also sink into the depths and darkness of our distrust and lack of faith.

What will determine whether we win the impossible in our lives is precisely our strength, our courage and our faith in the words and promises of our God and Lord.

As difficult as it may sound a situation or problem we can not ever forget that, for the natural man, many things you are impossible, but with God there is absolutely nothing that will be impossible.

My dear brother, my dear sister. If there is one thing we should learn once and for all that is definitely to our God there is nothing, absolutely nothing that He can not do, transform, or restore. Amen! Just believe it!

If the Lord Jesus Christ says something for our lives we must, with great faith and perseverance, keep this word in our hearts because the One who promised is faithful to keep it more. Amen!

Amen and thank God. Stay in the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
