Jesus Christ came to call sinners and the sick - Gospel message of God's word
"It is not the healthy who need a physician, but the sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners." - Mark 2:17
The righteous and those who have good physical, mental and spiritual need not be called by Jesus because they have no need and no reason to be away from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Those who truly know the Lord Jesus will never turn away from Him. Therefore need not be called.
However, many of those people who lead a good life, indulgence, prosperous, healthy and very blessed here on earth make no question of having a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and continually reject all forms. These patients are spiritual.
Patients in whom the Lord Jesus Christ is speaking in word are not only physical patients, but many patients primarily spiritual. Such people, sinners are sick and far from God not because they want to, but because they are constantly attacked and defeated by the enemy of God who always finds a way to imprison them.
It is to these people that the Lord Jesus Christ came. The Lord Jesus came to us, the sinners, the oppressed of the devil, and for all patients, both the body and the heart and spirit.
The word says that the Lord Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the evil one.
That is precisely what he does. The enemy knows well the power and the mission of Jesus and why he does everything possible to prevent patients from reaching out to meet the great doctor of our souls. The devil does everything to these people not to approach the Lord Jesus Christ.
How the devil work?
The devil acts puts barriers and different situations so that people can not get to the church;
The devil acts putting in people's hearts that this business of the church is something of religious fanatics and that would only hurt the acceptance of these people in their circle of friends "wise and intellectualized";
The devil acts putting discouragement and sleep when the person picks up the Bible to read;
The devil acts in the life of the person placing disharmony and discord in the home, at work and in the family of the person;
The devil acts causing accidents;
The devil acts causing confusion in various home and family, school and workplace of the person;
The devil lies placing acts of all kinds, especially putting sickness and disease in people so that they do not believe in God's power to heal and change their lives;
The devil acts putting evil people to continue them in different situations as in the family, at school, on the street or at work;
The devil acts putting guilt and unworthiness of God's Grace;
The devil acts in the person's life by putting her heart unbelief and evil a strong feeling that the bad situation is hopeless, can not be changed;
The devil acts putting on the mind and heart of those thoughts of weakness, discouragement, and defeat disability and many other impediments.
That's why when a person accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as your only and sufficient Savior, is baptized and begins to hear and practice the life-giving word of God, the Holy Spirit of God performs the work of redemption, liberation and salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ in their lives.
We must never forget that the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world to destroy all the works of the devil. Only he can do that. Only he has the strength and the power to heal and restore the lives of people who, without doubt, deposit all your faith in Him and trust.
Stay in the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
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